Monday, January 27, 2014

Portfolio Part 2

American Flag

Dove computer on Photoshop to make models and actors look better than they really are and give people a false expectation of what they should look like

Plastic Surgery
Because people feel like they need to look like they are not aging and they do not have any imperfections they try to alter who they really are

Women in the workplace
This is more common now after many movements that men and women are in the same. Women are often the ones in the workplace just as much if not more than men now.

Families eating out more often
Increasing divorce rates
New Family Dynamics
Teen Pregnancy
Drug Use
Technology over family/social situations
Elevator social norms

Commercials about food are becoming sexual

People like their personal space
Social norm to wear shoes in public
separate restrooms
All speaking the same language
Another social norm
More Homeless
Reality TV Shows
Wedding ring is social norms

As I was reviewing the artifacts I collected on our culture I was surprised by all of our symbols, laws and social norms. I would not have thought of symbols and laws especially as something that would be specific to our culture. As I was talking about this assignment with my parents I learned that things are very different now than they were when my parents were growing up. Many things in our culture stay the same but there are a lot of things that slowly change over time such as fashion, social norms, what is considered beautiful and how society views our personal values. I was most troubled with the way that people especially women are led to view themselves today and what they believe is normal. Not only are they told they need to be taller, skinnier and prettier but they are led to believe they have to act like sexual objects for men like the Carl's Junior commercial above displays.
I think that our culture helps in a school setting because we have a lot of pride in our country and with the shift on men and women gender roles there are more people interested in taking the FACS classes that I teach which includes cooking, sewing, and child care. Also because of the FACS program there is a class called Teen Living  and Adult Roles that teaches the students consequences and promotes them to continue their education. It is hindering in a school setting because the students are learning false expectations of what it is like to be in or raise a family or what their role in society is. Another thing that could be both a help and hindrance in our schools is the use of technology. It is good if the teacher knows how to control the uses of it but now there are a lot of students texting in class or surfing the web instead of paying attention to the lessons.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Portfolio Part 1

This image to me implies that deaf people need to change themselves. Being deaf isn't good enough and they won't fit in with other people unless they are like everyone else. 

This is a long but incredible video where the man shares his experiences as a deaf person in a hearing family. Throughout the video he implies that his family will not accept him and learn sign language. Therefore, as a deaf person, he is being forced to conform and try to read lips. This is another great example of deaf having to change who they are to fit everyone else's needs because they are different.

I actually played a video like this in a presentation I gave in a class before. I asked the class (all hearing) what their impressions were as a hearing culture and the responses I received were that she was less intelligent, missing something in her life and that she did not fit in. 

This picture really tugs at my heart strings because it's showing that deaf children are not accepted for who they are. Many people these days are teaching their hearing child sign language before they can speak but when deaf children go to school they do not always get an interpreter and are forced to read lips instead of communicating in their own way. 

My favorite poem from this site that describes how the deaf are often treated is this one:
This poem was written by a deaf person who in their family was forced to communicate in the same way everyone else did

Thoughts of a Deaf Child
My family knew that I was deaf
When I was only three, and since then fifteen years ago
Have never signed to me.
I know when I'm around the house,
I try and use my voice,
It makes them feel more comfortable;
For me, I have no choice.
I try, communicate their way-
Uncomfortable for me.
My parents wouldn't learn sign
Ashamed or apathy?
I never cared about the sound of radios and bands;
What hurts me most is, I never heard
My parents' signing hands.

My favorite poem from this site that describes how the deaf are often treated is this one:
This poem was written by a deaf person who in their family was forced to communicate in the same way everyone else did. The website has several similar poems. This artifact is another experience from a deaf person of when they were forced to be like everyone else and no accommodations were made to help them succeed

This website is actually an information place where people can go to learn more about the deaf culture. This website sends a message that their is hope in the future and that the deaf don't have to be the unknown culture because we can educate ourselves.

2. These messages send out to teachers that they are incompetent and that they are difficult to deal with because you have to make special accommodations for them. Because they are being pre-judged they don't have a chance to be themselves in the classroom, they are always looked at as a burden. 

3. It is important for teachers to know they stereotypes that come with each culture so they know how to help their other students better understand how to treat them. I think it would also help the teacher to set aside judgement and treat them with the respect that they deserve as well.