Monday, February 24, 2014

Portfolio Part 4

Personal Values

1. Respect
2. Optimism
3. Ambition
4. Perseverance
5. Self-Control

This assignment to only pick five values was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Especially when it comes to teaching because I have so many different things I want each child to be able to learn. I think that everyone in the class will have their own opinions and we will each have our own list of values as well. For me as a teacher respect would definitely be the first one on my list because it encompasses a lot of things. I would want to make it known to my students that it is very important to respect their fellow students in every way. I chose optimism as the second one because I believe that it is vital to have a positive outlook on life and being optimistic helps us to see the good and always hope for the best. I also want my students to have ambition that they can do anything and that they are all capable of so many things. Along with the ambition I want them to value perseverance so that they will be motivated to keep trying even if they fail because that is the real definition of success. Lastly I chose self-control because when people lose self-control is when they say or do things that they may regret. If they learn self-control and value that as well it ties back in perfectly with having respect for others.

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